“Trapped in a Bottle” Banishing Spell

For removing an evil presence from your home. “Evil” here refers to anything intending malicious harm against you , your family, home, etc…

Materials: A rose (either wild or cultivated) , sea salted water (This can be made with sea salt added to spring water), a glass jar or bottle (wine bottles work very well for this.)

1) Drop thirteen rose thorns into a glass jar or bottle, one by one.

2) As you drop each thorn, speak these words, “Evil presence, I banish you.”

3) Cover the thorn with the petals from the same rose, dropped in one by one as you continue speaking the charm.

4) Fill the jar two-thirds full with salted water or Holy Water.

5) Leave the jar open and unattended overnight.

6) Before sunrise, close the jar tight. The evil presence is now trapped within.

7) Wrap the jar in dark fabric and bury it far away. Alternately, you can empty the contents into a fast moving stream or river, speaking, “Take this to the end of the land.”

Published by Ulchabhan

Well met! I am a Druid in the Order of Bards, Ovates, and Druids. I am one of the administrators for the Spirit of the Alleghenies: Druidry, Wicca, and Norse Pagan Fellowship. Blessed Be!

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