The Daemon (Spirit Guide)

According to the Neoplatonic tradition, the gods assign each person a spirit known as a daemon (dye-mon). The Greek word daemon means “provider of fortunes and destinies.” In modern parlance, you might have heard the term “spirit guide” to describe these entities. Its main goal is to guide us during our lives to achieve the goals and lessons we set for ourselves prior to incarnation. Assuming it is not our time to die, it will forewarn us of danger. For example, it would alert us to avoid an intersection at a particular time so we do not have a fatal car accident. When the Athenian authorities arrested Socrates, he knew he was destined to die because his daemon became silent rather than warn him.

When we die, this spirit leads us to the heavens. And when it is time to reincarnate, it leads us back to the material world. While everyone has a daemon, most people are asleep and unaware of its presence. For those people who are awake, the daemon serves as an inner voice. It can also appear to us in dreams and visions. Most daemons assume the form of a luminous humanoid of the opposite gender. Some daemons adopt other visages, such as luminous animals or faeries.

Your daemon will also guide you toward spiritual experiences that will help you evolve spiritually. It will often direct you to esoteric groups, such as covens and lodges, that will benefit you. In astrological terms, your daemon often possesses traits based upon the sign in the eleventh house of your chart:

  • Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) in the eleventh house are associated with daemons of a passionate nature. These daemons guide us toward spiritual experiences that promote drastic change and progress. These daemons often inspire us to create and innovate. We often find people who are artists, artisans, musicians, writers, etc. When we ignore these daemons, their whispers can become persistent nagging. Sometimes, these daemons can become belligerent when people resist them.
  • Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) in the eleventh house are associated with daemons of an inquisitive nature. These daemons guide us toward spiritual experiences that promote growth through investigation. These daemons often guide us on pilgrimages and spiritual quests in distant locations, e.g., the Great Pyramid of Giza. We often find people who are proficient in several spiritual traditions but masters of none because their energies are scattered.
  • Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) in the eleventh house are associated with daemons of an atavistic nature. These daemons guide us toward spiritual experiences involving ancient, primordial mysteries (sometimes those of a darker nature, such as necromancy). These daemons often appear as animals. We often find people who are shamans and witches.
  • Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) in the eleventh house are associated with daemons of a disciplined nature. These daemons guide us toward spiritual experiences that promote discipline and focus. These daemons guide us to preserve spiritual traditions. These people are often sticklers for the rules and doing things according to the book.

Prayers to Strengthen Your Connection

I humbly request the aid of my allotted daemon. May wisdom serve as a prelude to the purification and release of my soul from bodily life. As I peer beyond the bonds of this dungeon, if it be the will of the gods, grant me the understanding of all that is intelligible and invisible.” (adapted from Iamblichus)

O daemon, who watches over me; and all the rest of you protecting spirits who take an interest in me, I beg you to help me to become worthy of your protection. You know my needs; may they be attended to according to the will of the gods.” (adapted from Allan Kardec)

I hear and heed the words of mine daemon. My daemon tells me – I am above you and in you. My ecstasy is in yours. My joy is to see your joy. To me! To me!” (adapted from Louis T. Culling)

Published by Dana Wright

Dana Wright has been a student of Western esotericism for two decades. He has a degree in graphic design and has also studied comparative religion and philosophy. He specializes in inner spiritual alchemy, metaphysical healing, and tarot divination. He is a member of several Hermetic and Rosicrucian groups and currently lives in northwestern Pennsylvania with his wife and two daughters.

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