White Sage

One of the Four Sacred Herbs of the Anishinabe Ojibway, indigenous tribes across North America use White Sage ceremonially and as a medicinal plant. The aromatic smoke of White Sage is believed to carry prayers and intentions to the heavens, invoking spiritual guidance and protection for oneself and the community. The leaves are dried and burned to “smudge” or purify a ceremonial space, person, or sacred medicine bundle. Used in this way, it protects against maleficent spirits. It may also be steeped into tea as a treatment for sore throat and tonsillitis, respiratory conditions, digestive issues, and inflammatory disorders. The antimicrobial and antiseptic properties of White Sage make it particularly effective in combating respiratory infections and promoting respiratory health. Simply pour about 1 cup boiling water over about 1 tablespoon of Sage leaves and steep to the desired strength, or about 5-10 minutes. Add lemon or honey as desired for taste. Used in Kinnikinnick, Prairie Sage grants spiritual protection and draws in positive healing energy.

Four Steps to Smudging with White Sage:

  1. Light the Smudge Stick: Hold the smudge stick at one end and use a lighter or matches to ignite the other end. Allow the flame to catch for a few moments, then gently blow it out, allowing the White Sage to smolder and release fragrant smoke.
  2. Fan the Smoke: Once the White Sage is smoldering, use a feather or your hand to gently fan the smoke, directing it around your body and into the corners of the room. Visualize the smoke enveloping you and your space, purifying and cleansing as it travels. Be sure to pay special attention to corners, doorways, and other areas where stagnant energy may accumulate. Allow the smoke to linger in these areas, dispersing any negative or heavy vibrations.
  3. Focus on Intention: As you move through your space, focus on your intention for the smudging ceremony. Offer prayers or affirmations aloud or silently, expressing gratitude for the cleansing and healing energy of the White Sage.
  4. Express Gratitude: Once you’ve smudged your space to your satisfaction, extinguish the smudge stick by gently pressing the burning end into your heatproof container. Express gratitude for the cleansing and healing energy of the White Sage, and thank the spirits for their gifts.

Published by Ulchabhan

Well met! I am a Druid in the Order of Bards, Ovates, and Druids. I am one of the administrators for the Spirit of the Alleghenies: Druidry, Wicca, and Norse Pagan Fellowship. Blessed Be!

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