
Wind on the Sea

Am gaeth i m-muir (Irish Gaelic)Om gwee ih-m mweer (Phonetic) I am wind on the sea ~ Amergin Above is the beginning of one of the most powerful spells ever cast, the Affirmation of Amergin. According to the Lebor Gabála Érenn, the Irish Book of Invasions, the Milesians invaded Ireland and fought against the Tuatha…

Wave Upon the Ocean

Am aigéan tond. (Irish Gaelic)Om eye-gone tawn. (Phonetic) “I am the tidal wave.” ~ Amergin This is the second line in Amergin’s song-spell. The contemporary Buddhist philosopher Thich Nhat Hanh said, “Enlightenment for a wave in the ocean is the moment the wave realizes it is water.” Our lives are like a wave in the…

Thunderous Surf

Am fuaim mara (Irish Gaelic)Om foo-am mar-ah (Phonetic) “I am the thunderous surf.” ~Amergin This is the third line in Amergin’s epic spell-poem. Surf is the foam produced by waves crashing on the seashore. The ancient Celts were fascinated by things in between, the Time Between Time (the threshold between day and night that we…

The Stag of Seven Tines

Am damh seacht bean (Irish Gaelic)Om dah-v shocked be-yawn (Phonetic) “I am the stag of seven tines.” The fourth line in Amergin’s spell-poem invokes the imagery of the majestic stag, which is fast, powerful, and sexually potent. An enduring symbol of royalty, stags represent power united with grace, and authority wed with dignity and integrity.…

The Eagle on the Cliff

Am iolar i n-aill (Irish Gaelic)Om eller ih-n aisle (Phonetic) “I am the eagle on the cliff” ~ Amergin “He clasps the crag with crooked hands;Close to the sun in lonely lands,Ring’d with the azure world, he stands.The wrinkled sea beneath him crawls;He watches from his mountain walls,And like a thunderbolt he falls.”~ “The Eagle”…