
The tapestry of ancient Celtic mythology is adorned with a myriad of fascinating and enigmatic deities, each representing different facets of nature, life, and the cosmos. Among these, Cernunnos, whose Gaelic name translates to, ‘Horned One,’ stands as a symbol of fertility, nature, and the untamed wild. Who is Cernunnos? In his seminal essay onContinue reading “Cernunnos”

Stag ~ Gaelic: Damh (Dav [like Have]) / Norse: Steggi (Stay-gee)

Perhaps the most important prey animal hunted in ancient times, the stag served as a great provider for our ancestors. His hide covered our earliest homes and provided material for clothing, his meat sustained us during the difficult winter months, and his bones were fashioned into tools both sacred and ordinary.   Celtic Symbolism: “IContinue reading “Stag ~ Gaelic: Damh (Dav [like Have]) / Norse: Steggi (Stay-gee)”